Friday, October 24, 2008

A Child is Born

Please rejoice with us as a new child is born into the family of God!

Her name is Jenni Markey. This is someone that Janis especially has been witnessing to for some time. This afternoon (10/24/08) she and her husband came over for lunch. After returning home she posted the following description of what happened this afternoon in an online women’s group.

When Janis and I were talking earlier, she told me that the way I lived was like holding on to a curtain in a flood, to save myself. She gave me a curtain to take home and told me to bring it back when I was ready to believe. I couldn't leave with it. I gave it back to her, and saved myself. I have to learn now, not to be afraid of death. I always have been.
My life will be very different now. I had always thought I WAS a Christian, that I WAS of Christ. I was raised in a good Anglican family by parents who were missionaries in Africa. Janis has shown me the way to the true life. I thank you Janis and I thank the Lord for bringing me to Him. I believe. I have to learn to live my life in Christ, and it won't be easy. I've sinned a lot in my 63 years. I'll be asking for lots of help and prayers. Right now I have many emotions, tears and fears.


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